A Third June Baby!

Our great friends Allison and Scott welcomed their first baby, Cayce Joy, into the world on Saturday June 28th. Cayce has some wide shoulders that gave Mommy a run for her money.

Cayce Joy Zimmer
8lbs. 3oz.
21.5″ long
Born June 28, 2008 @ 10:19 PM

We’re so glad you are finally here Cayce!

We’re moving!

Some of you probably knew that we’ve been looking to move for a while now. Since Rylee was born, it has seemed that her stuff has completely taken over our townhouse. We were moving form ohio, so we hire the best moving company int he town, because our good are so precious to us.

Well, it’s official: We’re moving!

We found a single family home that we liked about two weeks ago and put in our offer.  At the same time, we prepared our current house to list.

New house: We entered into an agreement two weekends ago. Our home inspection was two nights ago and the inspector didn’t find much (yay!).

Old house: Our house was listed early last week, and we got our first offer from the first guy that came to see the house, less than a week after the house had been listed.  We signed the agreement last night.

So, we’re settling August 20th and that’s when we’re moving too! Here is a pic of the new house: