Love Letter: Month 19

This past month has been a blur.  With the holiday upon us the days are just flying by.

27-Nov-2008 16:06
We had a fun Thanksgiving at our house with Bobbi & Papa.  The only hint of anything traditional were the dried cranberries for our salad.  We decided to have a seafood feast and you had a fun time watching all of us make a mess cracking things open and dipping them in butter.  It was such a fun meal that we may just make it a new tradition.  Maybe next year YehYeh & NiNi can join us!

We put up our Christmas decorations and we have been pleasantly surprised at just how much you don’t go near the tree.  You will point at it and smile, but other than that you pretty much don’t care about it.  Christmas morning should be fun when you realize there are presents under there for you.

02-Dec-2008 20:04
We took you to see Santa Claus and this year was much different from last year.  Last year you just looked right up at him and smiled.  This year you had a bunch of fun waiting in line to see him.  Then as soon as I put you on his lap you cried.  Daddy wasn’t too happy that we waited in line for that photo.  I had to remind him that all families have a few of those in their photo albums.  Maybe next year you will be fan again.

Lately you’ve been going through some separation anxiety when it comes to Momma.  Dropping off at daycare has been touch and go.  I think this week there was one day when you didn’t cry as I left.  We’re not sure where it came from, but we are ready for it to leave town.  STAT!  I read that it peaks at 18 months, so since you are now 19 months I’m more than ready to have the switch thrown to make it go away.

28-Nov-2008 17:02
We have a wonderful girl who comes to babysit you once a week for a few hours to give Momma & Daddy some adult time prior to the new baby coming.  As soon as she walks in the door you start to cry.  You are one smart cookie.  You know that her walking in means that we’re about to leave.  The nice thing is that you do settle down pretty quickly and you have a fun night with her.

Speaking of the baby you are still lifting my shirt to rub/pat the baby.  You also now say “baby” when pointing to my belly.  It’s fun to watch you but we all know that you have zero understand of just what it means is coming for our little family.

I’m very much looking forward to your second Christmas.  This year should be a lot of fun for you.  Last year you were only interested in the bows.  I think this year you’ll actually care about opening the gifts and playing with them.



Week 29 – Month 7

Holy cow, I’m in my seventh month already!  I have a feeling the time will continue to fly until January hits.  Then, as usual, the last four – six weeks will drag along.  I’m hoping it’s more like six weeks this time.  As nice as it is to deliver a little baby (Rylee was 5lbs 5oz) it has to be nicer to deliver closer to your due date.

29 - 32 Weeks

Squirt’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin.  Those kicks and jabs to the ribs are a good clue. It seems like there are some somersaults in there as well.
Squirt is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though – as I’ve noticed – they don’t necessarily coincide with my own.  Most of the time they happen around 9pm.
Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.