One small step

Evan stayed with us last weekend while his parents got some time off sans kids, and he must have shown Rylee how to walk, cuz she’s started taking her first steps this week.

Tonight, she started taking multiple steps before crashing back down. Here’s a short video of her taking a few steps:

[flv:/video/firststeps.flv 400 300]

Rylee’s first birthday

17-May-2008 14:01
Just uploaded the pictures we took from Rylee’s first birthday party. We were originally going to throw the party at Limerick’s community park around the corner, but there was a softball tournament this weekend, so we did it at Evansburg State Park instead.

We apparently didn’t take too many pictures, I guess because we were with or holding Rylee most of the time. If anyone else took a bunch of pictures, please shoot them our way!

[Update: Shout outs to Jess for sending over more pictures!]