I Heart Logitech

I’m not one to sing the praises, online anyway, of a product.  Today I’m making an exception.  For the record, the only keyboards and mouses that we’ve used in the last ten years have been from Logitech.  So I was a fan of their products prior to what happened today.

This week our home office got a bit of a face lift in the form of two new desks.  This is something we’ve been wanting to do since we moved in over three years ago and we finally got around to it.  Well, Bill decided to look for new desks.

Anyway, as a result of all the moving around of things one of the ‘feet’ on my keyboard was broken.  After dealing with it being lopsided all week I decided to call Logitech to see if they could send me a new ‘foot’.  For those smarty pants out there, no I didn’t have the foot propped up, that’s not what caused it to be lopsided.  Surprisingly those ‘feet’ don’t  fold flush against the bottom so when one is missing the keyboard is lopsided.

When my call was answered by Ryan he was very polite and handled everything very efficiently.  He did a quick check and it turns out that my keyboard is no longer made so they can’t send me a new foot.  Instead they are going to send me a completely new keyboard.  He took my name and address as well as my email address and I should have a new keyboard a week from now.  Wow!

I have to say that I’m super impressed all around.  When I get the survey to let the company know how my call was handled I will definitely complete it and sing Ryan’s praises as well as the company’s replacement policy.


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