Love Letter: Month 11

Holy cow you’re almost a year old! The time is still flying by and this past month has been a flurry of activity and many new things for you. Hence this being posted two days late this month!

15-Mar-2008 13:57
We kicked off your eleventh month with our second trip to Rochester. We went up for Allison’s shower and stayed with Erin, Tom and the twins. You had a fun time playing with Audrey and Emily. They are two busy girls who were very much on the move.

23-Mar-2008 07:59
I think seeing them get around with ease prompted you to finally give it a try. Why? Because about a week later you decided to do it yourself. We got some fun video (which can be seen here) of you making your first trek in the living room. Ever since then you have been on the go! It’s been a big change around here, but one that’s been a lot of fun for all of us.

We started a Mommy & Me swim class at the local YMCA and you’ve really taken to having fun in the water. You are finally a splasher. You were never one to really splash around in the tub, but you love doing in it in the big pool. You don’t mind getting your face we at all and you like when we do activities that have you going up and down.

You are now taking your bath in the big tub. We no longer put your little duck tub in the big tub. You are still amazed at how big the tub really is though. But it took no time for you to enjoy having more toys in the bath with you.

27-Mar-2008 20:03
Now that you’ve been moving around you are really good at trying to pull yourself up. You will grab onto anything that is still long enough for you to give it a try. Pant legs, couches, Jaxon and many other things have had you tugging on them while trying to get up. At this point you only seem to get yourself on one foot but we know that other one is going to follow it real soon.

You unfortunately also had another ear infection this month and that means that there was a general lack of sleep in our house again. This is never fun for anyone though. You got to the point where you wouldn’t stay asleep unless you were asleep on me or next to me. We are finally at a point where that isn’t the case anymore. It’s tough when you’re not feeling well because all you want to do is snuggle.

27-Mar-2008 20:09
You are still talking up a storm and now you will sometimes even point when you are telling us a story. You also point when you seem to be talking to Jaxon. I get a kick out of this every time.

We are looking forward to another fun month with you. We have lots of fun things coming up a fun vacation and your first birthday and party. I’m looking forward to all of it and so is Daddy.

Love, Momma

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